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Sunday, January 02, 2005
Fundraisers picking a horse
The New York Times profiles Jeanne Phillips for her role as chairwoman of the Inauguration.

Jeanne Phillips, Fred Meyer, Jim Francis, and Don Evans were the four credited with putting together the Pioneers fundraising program that helped George W. Bush smash fundraising records in 2000.

I'm told that Phillips, Meyer and Francis will all likely be a part of KBH's 2006 campaign, whether it be for Senator or Governor.

KBH has closed her state account, so if she chooses to raise money for her federal account, there will be a $2000 individual cap. As soon as she opens a state account, she can raise money in unlimited chunks. Thus, it is likely that KBH will telegraph her intentions in the next few months by opening a state account, although she will probably only commit to "exploring her options" at that time. If she opens a state account, she can still convert much of the state money into federal money.

Don Evans is still considering his campaign options as far as I know.

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